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Get a Property Survey Before You Buy

Gerardo D. Batts 0

If you’re buying a home in or around Orlando, you’re going to want a property survey depicting the boundaries of what you’re buying. A licensed surveyor takes precise measurements that identify the boundaries of the property that you’re buying. It also identifies where your home and garage sit on the lot along with adjacent streets. Even a fence or a shed on the property is likely to be identified. Surveyors are authorized by Fla. Stat. 472.029 are generally permitted to go upon the real estate of others to take surveys. On that basis, no trespass to property exists.

Mortgage Surveys and Boundary Surveys

A mortgage survey is different than a boundary survey. If you’re purchasing a home, and you’re getting a mortgage on it, your lender will likely want a mortgage survey so it can confirm that the property shown in the survey is the same property that it’s loaning money on. A boundary survey will show property lines, corners, and any easements that might run across any part of the property. The general rule is that an easement allows somebody else the right to use or enjoy the property of somebody else.

Your contract to purchase or sell residential real estate will probably require a survey, the type of the survey, and who pays for it. Consulting with an attorney who practices real estate law Orlando-based before entering into a contract to purchase or sell is strongly recommended. You’ll probably have other questions or issues that can be answered or addressed too. Be prepared before you sign off on any type of real estate contract. You’ll want to be certain of what property you’re buying and whether anybody else has the right to use or enjoy it.