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How Much Will You Win for a Personal Injury Case?

Gerardo D. Batts 0

You could be highly eligible to receive money to pay your bills and get back on track if you have suffered an injury because of someone else’s neglect. You can receive this payment if you have been bitten by a dog, experienced medical malpractice, slipped and fallen inside of a business establishment, or been in a car accident. Several factors will determine how much you receive in a settlement if you win the case. Those factors will include:

Your Actual Losses

Most of the settlement amount will be determined by your exact losses. You’ll need to take your medical bills, auto repair estimates, pay stubs, and other information to your lawyer or provider so that he or she can calculate the amount to request from the courts. 

Your Percentage of Fault

The percentage of incident fault that you share in the accident will play a role in your settlement amount as well. Some states will still award settlements to claimants who are less than 50 percent at fault. The settlement amount will be reduced by that percentage of fault. For example, you may only receive $60,000 out of $100,000 if you are 40 percent at fault in an incident. 

Whether the Neglect Was Extreme

You could receive additional funds if you experienced an extremely high level of neglect. For example, you may be eligible for such compensation if you were involved in a car accident where the driver was inebriated or high. A severe case of medical malpractice may qualify you for the same compensation. 

The most helpful thing to do in this matter is to contact a reputable personal injury attorney Washington-located office and talk to an experienced lawyer about your case. You might find out that you have a high potential to receive a significant settlement for the pain and trauma you’ve experienced.